Frankincense Al-Hawjri for treatment, eating and drinking (kilo)

يشاهد هذا المنتج الآن 88 شخص
هذا المنتج تم شراؤه أكثر من 14,104 مرة




It is called frankincense (al-Hawjari) after Hujar in Jabal Samhan, Dhofar Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman, and it is considered one of the finest types of frankincense in the world.

Its benefits and uses

1- Use it to eat or drink after soaking it in water.

2- It is used in the manufacture of some medicines after cortisone is separated and extracted from it.

3- And other uses

How to prepare a male gum drink

1- First and foremost, grind the male gum and take a large spoon from it.

2- Then add this spoon to a cup of cold water and leave the cup for about twelve hours.

3- At the end, the male frankincense is filtered from the cup and the infusion is drunk.

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